Date |
Information |
14/07/2021 |
Henry Kelly was educated at Charterhouse and Sandhurst in England. |
14/07/2021 |
The CWGC record Major H N Kelly as the son of Henry Russell Kelly. It also records Henry as the husband of M Alves (formerly Kelly), of The Priory, Lansdowne Road, Cheltenham, England. This implies his widow Beatrice remarried. |
14/07/2021 |
Henry Newton Kelly was the oldest son of Henry Russell Kelly and Mary Howard Kelly. Henry’s father was a Dublin-born solicitor. His mother was from Dungannon. |
14/07/2021 |
14/07/2021 |
Known family: Henry Russell Kelly, Mary Howard Kelly, Henry Newton Kelly (born on 24th January 1870), Mary Kelly (born 15th February 1871), Courtney Russell Kelly (born 20th February 1872), Anna Kelly (born 24th May 1874). |
14/07/2021 |
Beatrice Maude Ismay and Henry Newton Kelly were married on 3rd February 1904 in Nagpur, Bengal, India. |
14/07/2021 |
Henry Newton Kelly left behind a wife and family. |
14/07/2021 |
Major Henry Newton Kelly is commemorated locally on Dungannon War Memorial and on the WWI Roll of Honour in St Anne's Church Of Ireland in Dungannon. |
14/07/2021 |
Henry Kelly was born on 24th January 1870 in Killymeal, Dungannon. He was the oldest of at least four children, all born in the Dungannon area. |
02/02/2017 |
Lieutenant Colonel Courtenay R Kelly, Royal Garrison Artillery, son of the late Mr Henry Russell Kelly, Dungannon. His brother, Major Henry Newton Kelly, 33rd Punjabis, was killed in action in France on 25th September 1915. |
02/02/2017 |
02/02/2017 |
From the Belfast Newsletter dated 4th June 1917: |
21/09/2016 |
21/09/2016 |
From the Belfast Newsletter dated 5th October 1915: Missing - Major H N Kelly |
21/09/2016 |
21/09/2016 |
He took part in the North-West Frontier operations in 1898, and in the present war was stationed on the Suez Canal for a time. |
21/09/2016 |
His brother, Colonel Courtney Russell Kelly, also served. At the time of Henry’s death he was in command of the 113th Battery Royal Field Artillery in Flanders. |
21/09/2016 |
Major Henry N Kelly, 33rd Punjabis, Indian Army, officially reported wounded and missing, and believed to have been killed, was the eldest son of the late Mr. Henry R Kelly, solicitor, Dungannon, and was a native of that town. He was educated at Charterhouse and Sandhurst, and entered the Royal Irish Regiment in 1899, subsequently transferring to the Indian Army, with which he has spent most of his career. He took part in the North-West Frontier operations in 1898, and in the present war was stationed on the Suez Canal for a time. He leaves behind a wife and family. His brother, Colonel Courtney Russell Kelly, is in command of an artillery battalion in Flanders. |
30/12/2015 |
The 1901 census shows the family living at 1 Howard Terrace, Dungannon. His father was practicing as a solicitor. Henry was not living with the family. |
30/12/2015 |
The London Gazette of 5th February 1904 records the promotion to captain of Captain Henry Newton Kelly, and his transfer to the 55th Coke's Rifles (Frontier Force) from the Royal Irish Regiment. Dated 23rd September, 1903, but to rank from 1st January, 1897. |
30/12/2015 |
Marriage details: Groom name Henry Newton Kelly, Groom birth date 1870, Groom age in years 34, Bride name Beatrice Maud Ismay, Bride birth date 1884, Bride age in years 20, Marriage date 03 Feb 1904. Marriage place Nagpur, Bengal, India, Father of groom name Henry Russell Kelly, Father of bride name Stanley Ismay, Batch number M75038-6, Record group India-Easy, Film number 527522. |
30/12/2015 |
The London Gazette of 26th June 1908 records that Henry Newton Kelly, 83rd Punjabis, was promoted from Captain to Major on 3rd May 1908 |
30/12/2015 |
The book 'With the Indians in France' by James Willcocks records Major Kelly's death. |
30/12/2015 |
“As a Captain and Staff Officer at Delhi, I had been present when the old 33rd Regiment of 'Bengal Infantry' was mustered out, and the '33rd Punjabi Mahomedans' took their place. I had again seen them at Delhi, when commanding the Northern Army, and I only missed them
by a day in Flanders. They may rest content in the knowledge that although the last to join the Corps they were not the least in the share they took on 25th September 1915, before Mauquissart, and to this fact their long list of casualties attests. Killed and missing: Major Kelly, Captains Price and MacCall, Lieutenant Grasett (attached from 28th Punjabis). The Commanding Officer, Colonel Ridgway, and Captain Vincent were wounded. Five Indian
officers were also killed or missing and three were wounded, a total of fourteen officers all told. Of other ranks eighty- seven were killed or missing and 160 wounded. The senior Indian officer, Subadar-Major Bahadur Khan, and the senior Jemadar, Akbar Ali, were among the killed.” |
30/12/2015 |
Major Henry Newton Kelly of the 33rd Punjabis was killed in action near Moulin-du-Pietre on 25th September 1915. He was aged 45. |
30/12/2015 |
Major Henry Newton Kelly is interred in at Pont-du-Hem Military Cemetery, La Gorgue, France. His inscription reads: DULCE ET DECORUM EST PRO PATRIA MORI |
30/12/2015 |
Major Kelly is also commemorated on a plaque in St Anne's Church of Ireland in Dungannon. The plaque reads: |
30/12/2015 |
The official list of casualties issued on Thursday evening states Major H Kelly, 33rd Punjabis, previously reported wounded and missing, believed killed, is now reported killed. Little hope was entertained of his safety from the first, and the War Office notice now confirms the news of his death. Major Kelly, as previously announced was the eldest son of the late Henry R Kelly, solicitor, Dungannon. |
30/12/2015 |
30/12/2015 |
30/12/2015 |
From the Tyrone Courier dated 7th October 1915 : Major H N Kelly Missing |
30/12/2015 |
30/12/2015 |
The relatives of Major Henry N Kelly, 33rd Punjabis, have received official intimation that he has been wounded and is missing during the recent severe fighting in Flanders and is believed to have been killed. Major Kelly was the eldest son of the late Mr. Henry Kelly, solicitor, Dungannon and cousin of Mr Robert Newton, J.P., Killymeal, and was a native of Dungannon. He had been educated at Charterhouse and Sandhurst, and adopting a military career as a profession, he held a commission in the Royal Irish Regiment. He had afterwards joined the Indian Army. His brother, Colonel C. R Kelly, is commanding the 113th Battery Royal Field Artillery in Flanders. |
30/12/2015 |
From the Tyrone Courier dated 28th October 1915: Major Kelly's Death Confirmed |
30/12/2015 |
30/12/2015 |
The London Gazette of 2nd May 1890 records The Royal Irish Regiment, Henry Newton Kelly (vice J. S. M. Shea), promoted at the age of 20. |
30/12/2015 |
In loving memory of Major Henry Newton Kelly 33rd Punjabis. Born in Killymeal, Dungannon 24th January 1870. Killed in action 25th September 1915 |